Sunday, 25 November 2012


Sometimes on some bad bad day, if you get diarrhea and also you do not any other help as you are in a remote place, that would be a very bad situation. So here I thought to tell you how to make oral rehydration solution (ORS) at home. I did found the method on

You need one litre of clean water preferably boiled and then cooled. Mix in it 6 leveled teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 leveled teaspoon of salt and your ors is ready.

Make sure the mixture almost accurate. Sugar is used in this solution to help intestine absorb the salt (sodium). Too much of sugar might make the diarrhea worse or too much of salt will make your health more bad. So be sure to mix it correctly.

The juices and other such type of products usually do not help so better avoid them. Rather get a orange flavored WHO ORS and drink it over time to make up for the loss of water and electrolytes.


Boxer's EarCauliflower ear also known as Boxer's Ear is a condition which occurs mainly in boxers, wrestlers and rugby players. This occurs due to repeated blow to the ear pinna following which there occurs a hematoma or blood clot or collection of fluid under the perichondrium. Perichondrium is the structure which supplies nutrients to the underlying cartilage. The hematoma formed separates the perichondrium from the cartilage leading to decreased nutrient supply to the cartilage. This leads to death of cartilage tissue which is later replaced by fibrous tissue causing a permanent swelling in the ear pinna.

Treatment is usually evacuation of hematoma, and antibiotics as it can get infected very often.

Prevention: Ear guard or headgear should be worn at time of these sports.

Friday, 23 November 2012


Surfer's ear is another name for exosteosis. It is common in people engaged in water sport. This is not the same as swimmers ear which is due to infection. This occurs due to constant irritation of external ear canal by cold water. This disease is usually bilateral and involves the bony part of external auditory canal.

Symptoms include decreased hearing or hearing loss, secondary bacterial infections and impaction of ear debris leading to further hearing loss.

Treatment: Drilling under general anaesthesia.

Prevention: Prevent water from entering the ear canal using ear plugs, or swim caps.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Ways to Check Ovulation

Well during each cycle a female body changes due to the effect of hormones that predominated during each cycle. These changes can be easily monitored with some effort. There are methods to check whether you are ovulating or not without using any ovulation kits. These changes are important to monitor if you are trying to get pregnant as accurately monitoring them will increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Here are a few methods you can use:-

1) Monitor Your Menstrual Cycle: A normal cycle is somewhere between 28days plus minus 7 days. You monitor your periods regularly then you will be ovulating at around 14th day from the beginning of the last menstruation.

2) Check your Basal Body Temperature: You can keep track of your body temperature by using a basal body thermometer. Usually after ovulation a females BBT increases to somewhere around 0.5 degrees. Usually you should measure it in the morning.

3) Cervical Wetness: Some women can feel the cervical wetness which is maximum during the ovulation. You can check it by properly washing the hands and then gently feeling the cervix with one or two fingers. While doing this you can also feel the consistency of the cervix and whether it is open or not.

4) Mittle Schmerz: It is a pain of ovulation which occurs specifically during ovulation. Few women can feel that.

5) You can always use the ovulation kit with your convenience as they are pretty accurate.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Medical Causes of Poor School Performances

Medical Causes of Poor School Performances
All the parents (or many) want to see their kids perform well in school. Sometimes they are so strict that they dont see or they do not want to understand why their child has poor school performance. They forget about some other medical causes that can cause poor school performances not only low attention. Let me list some medical causes of poor school performances here. Be sure to ask your children about some of these problems if they are not getting good marks in the class.

I am listing them according to whatever comes to my mind first...

1. Adenoids: This leads to increase size of tonsills leading to blockage of eustachian tube which in turn leads to glue ear or serous otitis media. These children have problem in hearing. They sit somewhere in the middle benches in the class, have their mouth open and try to listen to teachers. But since they cant listen what they are being taught they cant do well in exams do they...

2. Eye problems like myopia or hypermetropia. Some of these children complain of headache while reading. This happens especially in hypermetropics. Parents think that he is giving just another excuse.

3. Worm infestations and malnutrition also lead to decreases attention in class and low grades.

4. ADHD i.e. attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder

5. Some specific learning disabilities like dyslexia etc...

6. Diabetes and other hormonal problems can also lead to fatigue, memmory loss etc.

If your child is getting persistently low grades and also if he or she is trying hard to improve its time to talk to them about any problem be it medical, mental or stress or any other problem before they loose hope and stop trying.

Thank you for reading the article. Please leave your comments below.