Thursday, 3 January 2013


Karahi Mushroom
Kadai Mushroom
Hi there, this is not a usual post which i usually write about, but since I liked it I thought that I should share with you guys. I got this recipe from youtube from the channel Sanjeevkapoorkhanakhazana. Cooked it and found it awesome. I hope you would enjoy it too. Ok here we go...


1. Around 1 cm ginger

2. 7-10 flakes of garlic

3. Two green chilis

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


On a video uploaded by Dr Vikram Singh Yadav, I saw many people asking that what is the difference between abscess and sebaceous cyst. So I thought that I would create this post to explain you the difference between them. Ill come directly to the point here.

Abscess Difference
An abscess is cavity filled with pus. It occurs due to an unresolvable infection or inflammation which body, macrophages to be specific, cant kill or cant get rid off. So to prevent the spreading of the infection or inflammation our body tries to wall off the inflammation. This creates a cavity which is full of neutrophills and necrotic derbies. These present as painfull red warm swellings over various areas of body or at the injury site. An abscess could accompany with fever, lethargy and other constitutional symptoms.

Treatment of abscess is incision and drainage, betadine packing, noninflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Cracked Lips

Chapped, Cracked Lips what to do
Chapped or cracked lips are a major issue in winters. It causes pain, bleeding and the dryness also causes rough lips which usually doesn't look good. So it becomes not only medical as in risk of increased infections though the cracks in the lips, but also cosmetic problem for many guys and girls. It can be prevented by using few basic and easy methods described below. So what is cause of these cracked or chapped lips.

It is usually due to dry air in winters which causes water to evaporate from not only the lips but also the whole body. This results in cracks

Sunday, 25 November 2012


Sometimes on some bad bad day, if you get diarrhea and also you do not any other help as you are in a remote place, that would be a very bad situation. So here I thought to tell you how to make oral rehydration solution (ORS) at home. I did found the method on

You need one litre of clean water preferably boiled and then cooled. Mix in it 6 leveled teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 leveled teaspoon of salt and your ors is ready.

Make sure the mixture almost accurate. Sugar is used in this solution to help intestine absorb the salt (sodium). Too much of sugar might make the diarrhea worse or too much of salt will make your health more bad. So be sure to mix it correctly.

The juices and other such type of products usually do not help so better avoid them. Rather get a orange flavored WHO ORS and drink it over time to make up for the loss of water and electrolytes.


Boxer's EarCauliflower ear also known as Boxer's Ear is a condition which occurs mainly in boxers, wrestlers and rugby players. This occurs due to repeated blow to the ear pinna following which there occurs a hematoma or blood clot or collection of fluid under the perichondrium. Perichondrium is the structure which supplies nutrients to the underlying cartilage. The hematoma formed separates the perichondrium from the cartilage leading to decreased nutrient supply to the cartilage. This leads to death of cartilage tissue which is later replaced by fibrous tissue causing a permanent swelling in the ear pinna.

Treatment is usually evacuation of hematoma, and antibiotics as it can get infected very often.

Prevention: Ear guard or headgear should be worn at time of these sports.