Now a days with the invention of portable music players, ipod, it is more sort of became a habit for many to wear headphones while working, walking, cooking, sleeping and sometimes even during pooping. They keep listening to their personalised music play list for hours and after some time they start having ear aches. So they start thinking that may be these headphones are bad and should be changed. Did you ever think that your ears can get fatigued so called listeners fatigue due to long hours of listening to music. Well it is a phenomenon by which your in ear headphones can harm your ears.
How do headphones harm your ear: Well to understand that we need to understand what is stapedial reflex. Stapes is a bone in our middle ear (smallest bone in our body) which transmits the sound via oval window to the inner ear from outside. Now this bone is connected to wall of middle ear by a muscle called stapedial muscle. Whenever we hear a loud noise this muscle contracts and pulls the stapes bone away from inner ear so that amount of sound entering the inner ear is decreased. This is a normal protective mechanism.
Now when we start listening to music via our headphones, specially the in ear ones, which totally clog the external ear canal, the sound seems a bit loud to our inner ear. So it sends a protective signal to muscle, which in turn contracts and thereby decreases the loudness reaching the inner ear. We think that the volume is low and we crank up the volume. This leads to increased workload to the muscle and at last it gets fatigued. Now when it gets fatigued the muscle no more contracts leading to all of the loud noise reaching to inner ear. This causes inner ear cells to die and leads to hearing loss.
What to Do??
- Well 1st of all control the loudness of the device
- Limit the usage of the device
- Buy a good pair of noise cancelling headphones so that you don't have crank up the volume to listen to your songs or play lists.