Saturday, 22 September 2012

Reflux Esophagitis and Bad Teeth

reflux esophagitis and bad teeth
Many people have bad teeth, mostly due to bad eating habit, poor oral hygiene etc. etc. But did you know that reflux easophagitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease can cause bad teeth and even it can lead to tooth loss. Well if you think about it, its not surprising. Let me explain you why.

Well from the time our teeth appear, they are in constant state of demineralisation and remineralisation which is usually balanced by many factors. One of such factor is pH of our mouth which is slightly alkaline and it is maintained by saliva. When this balance is disturbed then demineralisation of teeth occur leading to tooth caries.

So in people with severe reflux esophagitis the pH of mouth becomes acidic due to massive acid reflux. This leads to increased demineralisation of teeth leading to caries and ultimately leading to teeth loss if not treated in time.

Treatment of this condition would be to treat your primary condition first i.e. reflux esophagitis. Visit your dentist immediately if you notice such condition.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Hearing Loss and Headphones: Is There a Connection???

Now a days with the invention of portable music players, ipod, it is more sort of became a habit for many to wear headphones while working, walking, cooking, sleeping and sometimes even during pooping. They keep listening to their personalised music play list for hours and after some time they start having ear aches. So they start thinking that may be these headphones are bad and should be changed. Did you ever think that your ears can get fatigued so called listeners fatigue due to long hours of listening to music. Well it is a phenomenon by which your in ear headphones can harm your ears.

How do headphones harm your ear: Well to understand that we need to understand what is stapedial reflex. Stapes is a bone in our middle ear (smallest bone in our body) which transmits the sound via oval window to the inner ear from outside. Now this bone is connected to wall of middle ear by a muscle called stapedial muscle. Whenever we hear a loud noise this muscle contracts and pulls the stapes bone away from inner ear so that amount of sound entering the inner ear is decreased. This is a normal protective mechanism.

Now when we start listening to music via our headphones, specially the in ear ones, which totally clog the external ear canal, the sound seems a bit loud to our inner ear. So it sends a protective signal to muscle, which in turn contracts and thereby decreases the loudness reaching the inner ear. We think that the volume is low and we crank up the volume. This leads to increased workload to the muscle and at last it gets fatigued. Now when it gets fatigued the muscle no more contracts leading to all of the loud noise reaching to inner ear. This causes inner ear cells to die and leads to hearing loss.

What to Do??

  • Well 1st of all control the loudness of the device
  • Limit the usage of the device
  • Buy a good pair of noise cancelling headphones so that you don't have crank up the volume to listen to your songs or play lists. 
Hope you liked the article here. Please do add any other information or suggestion in form of comments to help people live healthier.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Health Effects of Noise Pollution

There are numerous effects of noise on health as it is one of the most influential factor of our life now a days. How much influencial?? Well read on to find out how much noise affects your daily life, your mood, your cardiovascular health, your learning capabilities. It basically affects almost every aspect of your life. Hope that we can understand these effects and do what we can decrease these problems so that we can live happier and healthier.

1. Hearing Loss: Well this is by far the most well known affect of noise on health. It usually causes high frequency hearing loss.

2. Sleep Disturbances: Yes noise can sleep disturbances which in turn leads to increased stress, leading to decreased social and household harmony as youll remain irritated if you cant get enough sleep. And stress is another factor there.

3. Dysgraphia or Learning Impairement: Noise leads to decreased attention and impairs ability to focus. These two have vital role in learning. So if it is impaired your learning ability will be impaired.

4. Cardio-Vascular Problems, like Hypertension

5. Annoyance

6. Vertigo, speech disturbance, fatigue etc...
There are many other effects of noise which can lead to serious health problem.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss: A Major Issue in Modern World

Hi friends, in today's world where science has advanced so much, along with its pros it has given us many cons.One of the major cons is the noised pollution like from cars, aeroplanes, industries with lots of noise. Apart from deafness or hearing loss noise has many other bad affects on our health.

1. Traffic induced noise is the most common form of noise in countries like India ( from where I belong). Most of these people driving cars are so impatient that they cant even stop at the signal and also they do not obey traffic rules. Most of the time they are in hurry because they are late. Anyways these cars are major source of noise pollution along with air pollution. You can avoid these when you obey the traffic rules and may be if leave for work on time (for Indians).

2. Other source of noise pollution is the mills. There are a few mills or industries where there is a lot of noise pollution. For these type of pollutions we have some rules in India like these workers should not work more than 5 days week for max 8 hrs per day.

3. The loudspeakers which we enjoy now a days is now becoming very common source of noise pollution as they are getting better and cheaper. We like to enjoy loud music for hours without having any thoughts of what other people might be experiencing due to this noise. It is our responsibility that we control that noise so that other may live in piece.

Most of these factors are manageable by us. So should try to mange the situation. Because if we don't care for our surrounding nobody will.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Ways to Gain Weight

Now in this era of modern fast foods and obesity there are people who are trying to gain weight. The problems with obesity is so much that we forget to talk about underweight or skinny people. Now here in this article i am trying to mention some of the ways to gain weight.

To gain weight you need to make your eating habbit a bit smarter. Hmm... what do i mean by that... I mean you need to calculate the amount calories you eat, the frequency of your meal, what type of diet you are including in your meal i.e protiens, carbohydrates or fats. Are you exercising or not.

1. Frequency of meals is very important. You can divide your meals in six parts... three large meals each alternating with small meals. You should plan this in such a way that you never remain hungry for more that 4-6 hrs.

2. Exercise particulary the anaerobic ones i.e the resistant exercises help to build muscle mass... so it is very important that you do some exercises. This will help you to become muscular rather than overweight with nothing but fat which would again be a problem and youll start looking for ways to loose weight :D.

3. Do include high protien meal after the exercises which will help the muscles to get the resources to expand. Some of these food include red meat, soya, pulses like dal, fish, low fat dairy products, almonds etc.

4. Doing all these please Do Stay Away From Junk Food as they containg nothing but excess amount of trans fat which are bad for health.

Do give your feedback about the article in form of comments. Thank you for giving your valuable time in this reading this article.