Thursday 6 September 2012

Earwax: A Common Problem

Excessive earwax production is a fairly common problem in day today life. It may cause some hearing loss if it gets impacted, may cause infections, irritation in ear.

Ear wax is made up of secretions from sebaceous gland ( which are present in the outer 1/3 rd of external auditory canal), cerumin, hair, dird, desquamated cellular debris. It plays a protective barrier role in ear canal. It lubricates the ear canal and entrapes any foreign material that happens to enter the ear canal.

 Normally a small amount of ear wax is produced which later dries up and is expelled out of ear due to movements of jaw. But in some people there is higher production of wax than normal which forms a plug. It may later dry up and form a hard impacted mass.

These people may complain of decreased hearing (as impacted wax causes a hearing loss of 30db), ringing in ear. They might develope some sort of infection.

Dont use ear buds to clean these impacted wax ( infacted ear buds should usually be avoided in general) as it may push the wax further inside the canal.

Do consult your doctor. He may advice to go through a procedure called Syringing in which luke warm water is injected in the canal an when water comes out it takes the wax plug out with it.

In case of hard impacted wax plug which is hard to remove by syringing it is softened by sodabicarbonate ear drops, hydrogen peroxide, liquid paraffin, or olive oil. Paradichlorobenzene 2% ear drop is available commercially.

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